De-platforming and decentralising to save the disability workforce

As with all attendant care matters in the NDIS, career progression is heavily constrained by the cost model.
ILO Lift-off – A provider perspective and a warning

We know the agency is seeking to balance the scheme and there is a strong chance this balance will be achieved by a SIL to ILO transition. So, ILO is coming and we should be thrilled about it. ILO will facilitate a much more personalised, natural and goal oriented support for people with a disability. Are you ready for the change?
Supported Independent Living: The beginning of the end – and what comes next

It is certainly no secret that the Agency has had concerns with the rising cost of Supported Independent Living (SIL) for some time. The NDIA’s last quarterly report identified that 23,368 (5.4%) participants were accessing SIL, with a staggering 27% of total NDIS supports committed to those 5.4% of participants.