Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Our Expertise

SIL Market Overview

The NDIA’s latest quarterly report identified that 26,623 participants were accessing Supported Independent Living (SIL), with a staggering 32.63% of total NDIS supports committed to those 5.13% of participants. The average package size in SIL sits at $327,900 and is regarded as one of the most stable and predictable revenue streams in the NDIS.

However, SIL growth rates are slowing. In 2020, the average growth rate per quarter was 5.4%. When adjusted for inflation, the last quarter was 0.1%. While SIL remains an attractive market, the game is changing and providers need to adjust their plans urgently.

As we look to the near future, we know that packages are decreasing and price-based competition is approaching. We’re focused on getting your business ready for the other side of the growth curve by enhancing your structure, models and value chain, developing unique points of difference, and optimising your intake process to be fail-proof and highly responsive.

Participants with SIL Plans
0 %
Of All NDIS Participants
$ 0
Average Package Size
0 %
Of All NDIS Funding

I'm Getting Started With SIL

Are you excited about entering the SIL Market but don't know where to start? Or perhaps, you're looking for guidance on key registration and product requirements

I'm An Established SIL Provider

Are you looking to increase the profitability and viability of your existing SIL service by eliminating vacancies and elevating your competitive difference?

Our Expertise

Consulting For SIL Market Entrants

Your Challenge

As a new entrant to the SIL market, you’re understandably concerned about meeting requirements, managing vacancies, and being able to scale your business in arguably one of the most important markets in the NDIS.

You want to focus on what you do best – providing an outstanding support service to your customers, now in a residential setting.

We’re here to help.

We take the guesswork out of navigating your path to market by leveraging substantial NDIS data to guide important business decisions.

Our specialised market entry package provides you with a comprehensive strategy to help your business remain viable and achieve sustainable growth in the SIL market.

Our Solutions

State Of SIL Market Report

Unsure if SIL is a suitable investment for your organisation? Our state of the market report will equip you with the information you need to assess whether SIL entry is viable, profitable and aligned with your organisation’s current and future capability.

Your tailored report will include the following items:

Client Results

Empathia Group was engaged by an emerging Community Participation provider that had strategy objectives to enter the SIL market. The provider saw the opportunity to do meaningful work with people by creating inclusive home environments. Our client was concerned primarily about the financial and reputational risks associated with entering the SIL market, and was worried that they might miss key processes or valuable elements of the product mix.

We provided a comprehensive analysis of the SIL market and aligned key growth markets with the capabilities of the organisation. With this market identified, we delivered advice, policies, and systems that enabled our client to confidently begin their service provision. We assisted our client to develop their “pitch” and lead management, so their strength and uniqueness was apparent to enquiring customers.

Our Expertise

Consulting For Growing SIL Providers

Your Challenge

As you know, the growth rate of the SIL market is changing dramatically. In Q1 2021-2022, only 327 additional new SIL customers entered the market, while at the same time GoNest listed 2099 vacancies on their website. What once was simply a matter of having vacancies is now an extremely competitive market where customers can exercise real choice.

Your organisation may also be facing challenges in finding profit margins for SIL. This is understandable considering that the NDIS cost model only offers a 2% margin for the 25th percentile of efficient providers, which does not take into account the ongoing risk of vacancies, property damage, and quality processes.

We’re here to help.

Despite the turbulent nature of the market, we can help you to find savings in your systems and processes enabling you to maintain healthy profit margins.

To accelerate your growth, we identify high growth markets that align with your organisation’s capabilities. We review and optimise your lead management processes to ensure that every customer receives a competitive, timely, and reliable response from your team.

Our Solutions

Our Expertise

Free SIL Provider Resources

Supported Independent Living (SIL) Viability Assessment

Undertake a 10 minute questionnaire to receive a detailed overview of the new drivers of Supported Independent Living success.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) Growth Calculator

Gain a quick understanding of how your Supported Independent Living business is currently performing in the market.

Client Results

Empathia Group was approached to assist a provider in increasing the traction of their NDIS offering. We utilised market research and undertook a full Customer Relationship Management (CRM) audit to identify where the product fell short of customer expectations.

Leveraging the organisation’s core capabilities, we assisted them in developing a brand to pitch their product to new and existing markets. As a result, the organisation soon had several new leads using this new product and pitch. Our work on this organisation’s CRM ensured that each lead was followed up correctly, providing the best chance for conversion. Importantly, this organisation began building its own customer data set to tailor its products better. Best of all, this company’s core values have shone through in new markets, allowing word of mouth referral to accelerate their business growth.

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