Evaluation and Due Diligence

Our Expertise

Evaluation Overview

Evaluating an NDIS business requires a blend of professional analysis and hard-earned industry knowledge.
Today, the NDIS market is certainly attracting the attention of investors. The scheme’s $26 billion annual price tag presents an excellent opportunity for scaling products.
However, the NDIS is still a pseudo market, with regulated pricing and strict, third party audited quality controls. The risk to investors and boards is substantial, as errors in the NDIS affect the lives of vulnerable people and often attract media scrutiny.

We offer a comprehensive evaluation process that leverages our provider index for benchmarking and subject matter expert risk analysis. In this market, it is hard to find a frame of reference for evaluation. We provide you with this framework and offer expert advice about what to do next.

I Want To Evaluate My Business

Are you looking to evaluate your profit and loss performance, or forecast? We probe into a suite of metrics that uncover the value chain of your business

I Need To Conduct Due Diligence

Are you an investor or non-for-profit board member seeking to extend your investigations beyond standard third-party auditing?

Our Expertise

Evaluating NDIS Providers

Your Challenge

The NDIS is a notoriously complex market to evaluate performance. You may be facing challenges while attempting to evaluate or validate your profit and loss performance, or growth forecast. 

Perhaps, you’re an investor or board member of a growing not-for-profit organisation, where you’re constantly being pitched growth opportunities that are difficult to evaluate.

We’re here to help.

We have created a suite of metrics used to probe into the value chain of your business. Additionally, we have the market insight and intake expertise to assess and validate your growth plans.

Our Solutions

Client Results


“We knew that we provided a great service to our customers, but we were worried about making costly mistakes when we started SIL. We were also concerned that we misunderstood the financial risks involved with vacancies. Empathia Group made sure that we understood our risks and had a service that we could be confident in”.

Our Expertise

NDIS Provider Due Diligence

Your Challenge

As an investor or not-for-profit board member, you’ve heard about the misdoings of fraudulent providers in the NDIS. On occasion, providers may exploit their roster of care to provide less services than they bill for.

Some providers employ staff below the required Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry (SCHADS) Award level, commit wage theft, or engage in poorly constructed IFAs that generate risk for the business.

The most devastating misconduct of all results in customers being subject to conditions that restrict their access to full engagement in their community, or increase the amount of restricted practices.

We’re here to help.

We provide you with a comprehensive audit of these risks that may be less apparent to those outside the industry.

We won’t duplicate your work or third-party audit, we probe into specific areas that are often missed by typical due diligence reports.

Our Solutions

Client Results

Empathia Group was engaged to assist a provider in increasing the traction of their NDIS offering. Empathia Group utilised market research and a full CRM audit to identify where the product fell short of customer expectations.

Leveraging the organisations core capabilities, Empathia Group assisted the organisation in developing a brand to pitch their product to new and existing markets. As a result, the organisation soon had several new leads using this new product and pitch. Empathia Group’s work on this organisation’s CRM ensured that each lead was followed up correctly, providing the best chance for conversion. Importantly, this organisation began building its own customer data set to tailor its products better. Best of all, this company’s core value’s have shone through in new markets, allowing word of mouth referral to accelerate their business growth.

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